The media is a powerful component in society. It portrays how individuals think and see when watching things projected to the mass. In the "24" extract, the director's goal is to make the audience feel the built up resentment and the atmosphere between the two actors and how their actions affect one another because of the several scenes in the extract.
The first scene that shows that the director's vision that one person's behavior can cause the other to act out of character in the part where the two actors exchange haste words. The dialogue is very hostile as the actor posing as the interrogator demands answers about a bomb threat. The actor being interrogated remains silent or gives very short and pointless answers. This is interpreted based off of the zooms the director includes in the film of the woman giving short replies This angers the interrogator as he is very determined to find out the information before it's too late but feels as if he's talking to a brick wall. The anger can be seen as the close up of the actor's face says it all. This eventually causes him to break and he begins to shout in the woman's face. This scene proves the director wanted to bring the message that one's behavior can be greatly affected by another's and cause individuals to act like beings they never thought they could be.
The next scene that proves that the director is trying to bring the message that the feelings people have for each other are presented when one person breaks the other is when the interrogator becomes physical. The male interrogator begins by flipping the table which is the perfect prop for showing when anger is present because it provides a dramatic effect. When the actor flips the table from frustration it startles those watching through the camera in the room. Next, the frustrated interrogator becomes violent and chokes the woman as the camera gets a close up of the reaction to this. In addition, the people watching from the camera in the room are seen rushing to stop the interrogator before he possibly kills the woman. This shows why the director's theme is what it is because they reacted off of the interrogator's actions and decided to finally run in based off of the split screen that showed what was happening. The interrogator reacted off of woman being questioned witty answers and meaningless words.
These two scenes exemplify how individuals make one another react in a certain way based on how they interact. These actions can be good or bad based on what is said or done in the scenes. The director of "24" wants to show that this is true based on the angles, movements, props, and dialogue he includes in the film.