Friday, January 17, 2020

Final Pitch Blog

   This blog entails what will help develop the final project that has to be submitted for a grade to Cambridge. So, today, January 17th, I'll focus on the top two pitches my group and I chose which one is the best pick for this project. In addition, we come to this decision by weighing out what we believe to be the pros and cons of each pitch and which pitch's flaws can be accepted over the other and also which idea is more creative to us. Charli, Amina, and I decided that the top 2 pitches for our upcoming film are the documentary on the crazy couple and the sleepover that leads to an unexpected experiment. These two ideas are more eye-catching and can leave our audience wanting to know what is going to happen next. Will the audience understand why the killer couple or friend duo did what they did? Is justice going to be served? Will the girls make it out alive? Will the scientist(s) accomplish the intended goal? Will the young girls stop things from going too far? These mind-boggling questions are every reason why these 2 films are the right options.
      Firstly, Pitch 1 is good for the assignment because it's a documentary that would include showings from over a period of time to give an understanding of the whole storyline. This helps in the time aspect of the project because the open has to be at least 2 minutes. This pitch is also a great choice because it does have the ability to leave some suspense. Viewers would be anxious to find out the motive the killers had in killing or doing whatever immoral act they committed. The storyline also has realistic expectations because it can be expected that the characters die from rotting in jail and not trying to escape to a different planet or so. On the contrary, the documentary pitch has a few flaws to it. It falls under the category of murder which is a very common opening in films in the media industry. People who are to be attracted to the film might not want something that has been seen on television numerous times despite the fact that my group and I would put our own spin on it. So, the documentary pitch on the killers wouldn't be seen as something original to our graders and maybe even our peers who will eventually review it.  Another thing with the documentary pitch is that if not planned wisely ad creatively, we can risk the possibility of boring our audience. Documentaries get uninteresting sometimes because of the fact that the people are just sitting in front of a camera talking about one topic.
      In addition, Pitch 2 which has the focal point of disappearing teens who have to figure out a way to do something before they don't make it out the lab the same. This pitch is creative which is great because one doesn't come across films with openings like that. The pitch would also be a great choice because it appeals to the current generation who is all about being seen as heroes in the eye of the mass. Teen audiences would feel the need to insert themselves into the opening alone because they desire to be the ones who defeat the people trying to experiment on them. Another reason why this pitch is good for the assignment is the fact that it doesn't fall under the list of common openings that vary from teenage drama, stalking, kidnap, murder, and the dream sequence. This is more of a mixture of young meets sci-fi which is different yet something our Cambridge graders are looking for.
The verbal idea is also capable of covering a 2-minute opening because the storyline provides enough ideas to do so. On the other hand, there are weaknesses in using this pitch. This pitch doesn't necessarily keep it simple. My group and I would have to find a hospital or a lab place which is difficult due to our lack of access to places like that. If our location isn't closely replicated or directly at the specific location we risk our concept trying to be brought across. Another thing is the fact that this pitch is boring because of the fact that it includes experimenting which means real scientific-looking methods would have to actually be included. For example, a scientist playing with chemicals or writing data down in the opening isn't exactly worth watching for almost 2 minutes. In the end, despite all the things wrong with this pitch, my group and I decided that this one is best for us to expand on and be creative and great for the final assignment overall. It's rare and creative and attracts all kinds of people whether it's teens, people who love science and testings, or someone who loves the suspense of what's going to happen to mankind.

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