Monday, March 2, 2020

Editing Blog: The Simple Process

   The final AICE  Media project is coming to an end and soon our videos will be submitted to Cambridge for grading. This grade will determine how well individuals did and whether or not they get the AICE credit. Because of this, it’s crucial my group and I follow every step to ensure we get the best possible grade for our projects. For the movie opening project, we have began editing since we finished filming. Josh has decided to lead in editing since he is more creative and familiar with editing softwares. Charli and I decided we can give necessary input where we think is needed. Due to the fact that I am not always with Josh, I don’t know hair full editing process, but I can assume and think of it as if I was editing. To start off the film, he would need to make sure he has the storyboard with him because it has drawings of where the movie titles could be inserted. Before he gets to this process, he must import the clips onto the Sony Vegas Oro editing software. While on the editing software, the footages will go onto AV Track 2. At the top, the edit tab allows my group and I to add things to spice up the movie opening. Josh is expected to edit the titles in a way where blood drips from them. However, our titles are open to change and what we are capable of. Dissolved and fade outs are also going to be added as transitions in the film because it helps bring out the thriller theme we chose.  In AV Track 3, music, or sound overall, is placed in this track. The green and purple line are sound waves from the clip. Sound can be detached from the take. This is helpful if a voiceover is needed. We don’t have any voiceovers, but we do have dialogue and sound throughout the film. Non diegetic and diegetic sounds will be implemented in order to incorporate all the necessary elements the opening needs.  After finishing editing, it's important to export the finished product. This process is the opposite of importing. I’d suggest to Josh that he render the film before we have to turn it in to be reviewed. Rendering compiles everything you did and makes it smoother and not choppy. After that is done, the video should be viewed to ensure it was exported properly. Now we’re ready to get our film peer reviewed.

Charli and I pool scene being edited by Josh on Sony Vegas Oro editing software. 

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