Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

       Today, October 14,2019, was an editing lesson in Aicemedia. The lesson focused on steps that leads to the completion of your video. These steps will help in making the teacher's and Cambridge graders' job easier and also give them less opportunities to score you low. As an Aice student, I came to the realization that it's my job to remember and study (if needed to) these procedures and tools when giving projects. These tools don't only have to be applied to schoolwork but can be used in projects outside of the class to broaden my skills and knowledge. To begin with, a folder that's going to consist of your footage has to be created. This is done by double right clicking, selecting new and clicking folder. After, the name "folder" at the bottom of the folder icon can be edited to whatever it needs to be. For example, mine is going to be labeled "FLHS Fright Night Commercial" or something of that sort.

       Next, the SD card reader has to be inserted in the side of the computer. Then I will have to locate the DCIM folder to find my footage. If I don't see my footage, I can go to private and select something calls AVCHD. Then, I have to find stream, locate my footage and drag it to the designated folder. All of these steps are apart of the process called dumping which is when you retrieve footage from your SD card before turning in equipment. Importing is the next essential step necessary for a successful film. This is process where footage is taken from the computer and moved to the editing
software, Pinnacle Studio. In Pinnacle Studio, I'll go to desktop at the top and click the plus sign to import my clips so they can be edited. While on the editing software, my footage I plan on editing goes into AV Track 2. At the top, the edit tab allows me to add things to spice up my video's presentation. Transitions and effects are given and allow the editor to choose what they want. It  could be a specific dissolve or even a flame of fire effect. This tool allows students to make their film even more creative. Footage can also be split in half going to the razor icon that allows you to do so. The red play bar, found in AV Track 2, allows  you to move along the take and see it at your own pace. This navigation also helps in seeing what needs to be removed or added. Above AV Track 2, is AV Track 1 which is where the title of the clip is added. The title can be edited in endless, creative ways. In a tab named "Motions", different styles of how the title enters the clip can be chosen. Changing the color, font, size and much more is also enabled.

       In AV Track 3, music, or sound overall, is placed in this track. The green and purple line are sound waves from the clip. Sound can be detached from the take. This is helpful if a voiceover is needed. After I'm completely finish editing, it's important to export the finished product. This process is the opposite of importing. The finished product is taken from Pinnacle Studio to the computer. The export tab at the top will be selected and I have to ensure the video is going to be exported in mp4. When the software ask where I want my video to go to, I have to ensure it goes to the right folder with the right name. The video will then take some time to be rendered. Rendering compiles everything you did in Pinnacle Studio and makes it smoother and not choppy. After that is done, the video should be viewed to ensure it was exported properly.

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