My group and I decided to do our commercial on FLHS Fright Night. We chose this idea because we thought it would be a cool and different way to promote our school. This also recognizes an event that takes place in October all over the United States. For the research on Fort Lauderdale I didn’t have to conduct much because I attend the school myself so I know quite a few about it. Then I proceeded to watch commercials and get a feel of what they did and how they did it.
Fort Lauderdale High is a public school in the city of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Here we are known greatly for our high academics and the programs we offer. The Cambridge program is a rigorous course that offers college credits and a full ride to Florida universities to students who pass 7 Aice classes and earn their Aice diploma over the course of 3 years. These classes aren’t as simple as the average honor or core class offered. The Cambridge program isn’t offered everywhere so we had a great advantage. Fort Lauderdale High also has the Law Magnet program where those who desire to pursue something great in the world of law. Students can embark on the journey of learning about law way ahead and not wait until law school to gain knowledge. In a commercial I watched pertaining the school, Fort Lauderdale strong academic and athletic talent was shown. However, this school is more than that. We are also strong in creative events and socializing. That’s why Fright Nights is a perfect ideas
Fright Nights consist of scariness and mysteriousness. The nights are filled with monsters, people hiding behind masks, and things to spook out those who attend it. In a commercial promoting this, zombies, mask killers with knives, girls and boys screaming and running, were shown. Because October is the month of Halloween, all of this was displayed in the commercial. Combining a memorable event like Fright Nights with our school is the perfect idea for a commercial because it’s like “killing two birds with one stone.” We get to promote our school and use an event associated with October.
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